Nordic Horse Care
Jewelry collection for horse lovers of all ages.

Komet fra Skog
The beautiful necklace Komet is a reproduction of the beautiful stallion Komet fra Skog which is owned by Kristin Elise Andersen and Ingebjørg Bjørk Steinsdatter. The jewelry was originally made as a wedding gift to the owners of the stallion, who are our partners. We were so pleased with the jewelry that we choose to also give you the opportunity to own it.
The comet is our first piece of jewelery, but we think more will come later. Watch!
Necklace Komet
The jewelry is available in either gold-plated silver or silver.
Necklace in silver or gold stain of 42 cm with the possibility of extension of 5 cm included. The pendant weighs about 7 grams.
It is possible to specially order jewelry pure gold or get it with diamond or crystal as desired. Then contact us directly.